
武士道 1-8 武士道は軍事システムの大きな要石である

The desire of Tom is the basis on which the greatness of England is largely built, and it will not take us long to discover that Bushido does not stand on a lesser pedestal.

If military systems had operated alone, without higher moral support, how far short of chivalry would the ideal of knighthood have fallen!

"Religion, war, and glory were the three souls of a perfect Christian knight," says Lamartine.

In Japan there were several sources of Bushido.

It it will not take us long to discover:  it takes +(人)+時間+to~ (人が)~するのに時間がかかる という表現
 It took me two hours to solve this puzzle. このパズルを解くのに私は2時間かかった。

how far short of chivalry would the ideal of knighthood have fallen!
  難しい表現。short ofは「不足している」と言う意味。fallは「落ちる」ではなく「~という状況に陥る』という意味。
 つまり、how far short of chivalry は、fallenの主格補語となる。

  fall : ~の状況になる の例文  fall in love 好きになる
    I’ve fallen in love with you. 君のことが好きになった





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